Wkly Hit List, 7/13/2024

This is going to be a somewhat serious edition of the Wkly Hit List, because once again, there's no 5-Day Rounder for a quite while. We're going to quickly get into our Inside Scoop for this week, and then at the end of the post, we'll present the Sneak Peek of the Week. I guess you say that today's Sneak Peek has a similar theme with that of the main story, politics. For those who don't know by now, there's a Presidential Election going on in this country, and right now, it's a big hot and steaming mess. Donald Trump is slightly leading Joe Biden in the polls right now as the Race for the White House goes on, people seem to have forgotten that Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in the New York Hush Money Trial a few months back. For now people are talking about Joe Biden and how bad he was at first presidential debate against Trump last month. This has led to calls by many Democrats for Biden to suspend his 2024 United States presidential campaign, even George Clooney believes that he should drop out.

It's so amazing how a few months could change a lot, all the while Trump is still leading in the polls, but Biden has said time again that he will stay in the race until the end. He's basically saying that if he's going down, then he'll go down fighting. The sad part is, nobody wants either of these two guys to be president, but after November 5th, one of them will be in the oval office for the next four years, which brings us to the real discussion of this week's inside scoop. President Biden is not only urging people to vote for him, but he has also urged people to google "Project 2025" and that I have. According to sources, "Project 2025" is a collection of conservative and right-wing policy proposals from a organization called "The Heritage Foundation." It was first established in two years ago in April 2022 and its main purpose is to "Reshape the United States federal government to support the agenda of next Republican president." So should the Republican nominee, presumably Donald Trump, win the 2024 presidential election, and I hate to say it but he might just win, then the project will help him consolidate executive power, a plenty of it.

We're going to summarize the basics of the plan going through most of the proposed policies in it. "Project 2025 asserts that the entire executive branch is under the direct control of the president under Article II of the U.S. Constitution and unitary executive theory. If it goes into effect, it can reclassify tens of thousands of federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with loyalists more willing to enable the next Republican president's policies; and in doing so, proponents argue that the change would dismantle what they view as a vast, unaccountable, and mostly liberal government bureaucracy." Furthermore, the Project "seeks to infuse the government and society with Christian values," that sounds evil and I don't even know what it all means, but moving on. The project could lead to "widespread changes to the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies, this can be done by taking partisan control of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, as well as dismantling the Department of Homeland Security, and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production." So say goodbye to the old ways which have at least kept this country a float for hundreds of years.

It doesn't stop there because the project also seeks to institute tax cuts, and recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies or terminated. Good god, parents want their kids to have a good education, though what if those parents were MAGA supporters and they vote to Trump back into the White House, they kids may have difficulties going to college, I know it was hard to for me because it took me four and a half years after graduating High School to do what Plankton from SpongeBob always brags about. "Project 2025" seeks to cut of the funding of a lot of things such as climate research and health care. The National Institutes of Health would be reformed according to conservative principles, people would no longer be able to use Medicare and Medicaid, coverage of emergency contraception under the Affordable Care Act would be eliminate, and the Comstock Act to prosecute those who send and receive contraceptives and abortion pills nationwide would be enforced.

Now comes what could be most the disgusting parts about "Project 2025," this plan proposes to criminalize pornography, remove legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, terminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and affirmative action by having the DOJ prosecute "anti-white racism." Finally, the Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the United States, and is proposing to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement, all while promoting capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of those sentences. Now that we've covered all of these polices, it time for my reaction to "Project 2025," and to put it into four words: "It all sounds scary." I noticed that there was nothing in this plan about how it would affect people trying to find a job, either I missed it or they never put anything in at all. Losing health care, education, and a place to live are bad enough, but people could have difficulties to trying to find a job in America if this plan is put into place. Legal experts have said that "Project 2025" would "undermine the rule of law, the separation of powers, the separation of church and state, and civil liberties," critics have backed these legal experts up by characterizing the plan as an "authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to steer the United States toward autocracy, and they're not wrong for Donald Trump plans to be dictator on his first day back in the oval office if he were elected again. 

A week ago, Trump publicly distanced himself from Project 2025, saying he "knew nothing about it" and that some of its ideas were "ridiculous and abysmal," boy does he really love to lie 24/7. Trump's claims have been dismissed by some critics, who pointed to the involvement of figures close to Trump in the project. Kevin Roberts President of The Heritage Foundation has suggested in an interview that there would be a "second American Revolution," something that's been criticized by Democrats and others for containing what they believe to be a veiled threat of violence. The project does employ warlike rhetoric and apocalyptic language in describing a "battle plan" to regain control of the government. If Trump voted back into the White House, Democracy may longer no exist in this country, voters should be smart enough to know that this plan will go into effect in 'possibly' the first six months of his second term, still it's not to late to make the right choice. They can chose not to listen to Democrats' calls for Joe Biden to drop out, they ought to be listening to someone that is encouraging Democrats to encourage Biden to keep going, because this Presidential Election is deciding so much for the future of the United States, it's time for America to Assemble Into The Unknown. I didn't get from Avengers Endgame and Frozen II, it just came to me. 

Since we're talking about Disney and Marvel movies, it's worth nothing that the first teaser trailer for Agatha All Along was released last Monday, and the first teaser trailer for Captain America: Brave New World was released yesterday. I prefer to show the Captain American trailer because it deals with its own political issues in the MCU; you see while the President in this movie have some good intentions, we could have a president in real life next year that is looking to do some really bad things. Enough talk, here's the trailer.

Captain America: Brave New World | Official Teaser | In Theaters February 14, 2025

Xosha Roquemore
Born: December 11, 1984
Starred in The Mindy Project and Space Jam: A New Legacy
Set to star in Captain America: Brave New World next year

That's your Celebrity of the Week, and this has been the Wkly Hit List.
