Wkly Hit List, 10/28/2023

Hello KlicKNettars! You're probably wondering where I was last weekend. I had being working as Production Assistant and Script Supervisor for a short film project. You can imagine that everything went smoothly, the Director and their Assistant Director were really kind to me, I was welcomed with the opportunity to show my talents and passion elsewhere besides behind a keyboard, or behind a desk, or even in front of the camera. I intend to work another short film project next weekend, so therefore Wkly Hit List will be off November 3rd, and then return on November 10th. This week, we have a special post put together with no 5-Day Rounder or Sneak Peek of the Week.

Instead we'll get into our Inside Scoop which recaps not one, but two episodes of Marvel Studios' Loki Season 2 - streaming now on Disney+. We have never done anything like this before, and what's funny is that we plan to do it again on November 10th, so this could a recurring thing that we do on this blog as way to be different sometimes. WARNING: This piece may contain spoilers, so if you haven't seen Episodes 3 and 4 of Loki Season 2 yet, then stop reading now. If you have seen them, then it's okay to read. If you would like to continue at your risk, be my guest.

Episode 3 begins with Miss Minutes and Ravonna Renslayer traveling to 1868 Chicago, they are meant to meet someone really important. Renslayer is supposed to put a package in a particular window as instructed by He Who Remains. Her reward is to be at the top of the TVA along with Miss Minutes once things are restored. Inside the window, a young Black boy finds the package, and it turns out to be the TVA manual. Back at the TVA, they can't get into the loom and all the pruned branches caused by General Dox are starting to grow back. O.B. suggests that if they can't get in and expand its capacity, the whole loom will fail.

While all this is happening, Loki and Mobius themselves at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 where they are trying to track Renslayer's TemPad. They certainly find her, but they also stumble upon someone else, Victor Timely, a variant of He Who Remains and Kang the Conqueror. This brings us back to the end credit scene from Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania, in which Loki is horrified to see that Timely looks the same as He Who Remains, but Mobius isn't all that concerned. Timely explains what his Temporal Loom prototype does, using time to create power. The crowd isn't impressed at first until Timely says he aims to light and power the entire planet with his invention. He starts up his loom and it puts on quite a show before blowing out. Mobius wants to apprehend him and take him back to the TVA so they can access the loom there. Renslayer quickly approaches Timely, but some men confront him before they can talk. They want the patent rights and Timely says no and soon a bidding war starts.

Timely decides to make a deal with a robber baron for $1000 in exchange for his invention. However, things go south for Victor when he finds himself being chased by four different groups with four different agendas: Loki and Mobius, who want to use his aura to fix the Loom at TVA; Renslayer and Miss Minutes, who want him to take his variant's place with them at his side; Sylvie, who wants to kill him to prevent his rise to power; and the robber baron and his allies wanting revenge against Timely's fake invention scam. Loki begs for Sylvie not kill Timely, but Timely escapes the fair with Renslayer and Miss Minutes, although Miss Minutes convinces Timely to abandon Renslayer. At Timely's laboratory in Wisconsin, he turns Miss Minutes off after she professes romantic love for him and her desire to have a real-life body of her own.

Renslayer, Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie arrive, with Sylvie gaining control and about to drive a sword through Timely, the same way he did with He Who Remains. But after seeing the fear in Timely's eyes, Sylvie decides to let him live and allow Loki to take him back to the TVA, then sends Renslayer to the Citadel at the End of Time with Miss Minutes being brought along. They see He Who Remains' decaying corpse as Miss Minutes reveals that she knows a secret about Renslayer. That secret may or not may be what you KlickNettars think it is, but I'll let the next recap explain everything very clearly.

Episode Four picks up where we left off in Episode Three, with Renslayer and Miss Minutes at the Citadel at the End of Time. Miss Minutes reveals that in the past, Renslayer commanded He Who Remains' army; and he proposed that Renslayer lead the TVA with him, then had Miss Minutes erase the memories of Renslayer and the other TVA employees by order of He Who Remains. We then come to the TVA where the Temporal Loom reaches catastrophic failure, so Loki and his allies attempt to use Timely and O.B.'s Throughput Multiplier to fix it.

In a certain "chicken and the egg" moment, the two characters are starstruck by each other. Victor has spent his life idolizing O.B., who wrote the TVA manual, and O.B. has been inspired by the historical figure of Victor Timely, who he says would have been bigger than Einstein if he'd had the resources. But it is revealed that the source of Ouroboros's knowledge is Timely himself, creating a predestination paradox, which could only mean one thing, T-R-O-U-B-L-E! TROUBLE! To put it in simple terms, here's a theory: If O.B. inspired Victor, then who inspired O.B. in return? Is there a possibility that O.B. could himself be a Kang variant? That would be absolutely mind-boggling wouldn't it.

In a heartfelt conversation, Loki and Sylvie finally start to chip away at the complicated points of view they have on what to do with the TVA. Loki reminisces about the events of the first Thor movie. He says that he once viewed softness as a weakness, a sentiment that Sylvie echoes, telling him, "Soft gets you killed." Loki then points out that in sparing Victor's life, they are able to save and spare more lives. Sylvie's mercy — softness — is instrumental in saving the timeline. While Sylvie is eager to just burn everything down and start from scratch, Loki correctly points out that trying to fix what is already broken is hard, but it's also necessary.

We find Wolfe, Dox and her loyalists detained after they pruned so many timelines, B-15 (convinced by Gamble) tries to reason with them and change their opinion about the branched timelines and how to deal with them. It seems to work and B-15 was able to appeal to Dox so she'll fight by the TVA's side, that is until Renslayer and Miss Minutes show up in an attempt to take over the TVA. They want Dox and her men to join their side, but only Wolfe agrees; while Dox and her loyalists instead choose to be crushed to death by Miss Minutes. It seems Dox would rather die than to see Renslayer gain anymore power for herself.  Wolfe prunes Hunter D-90 and kidnaps Timely then brings him to Renslayer and Miss Minutes. Then, Miss Minutes takes control of the system, stopping Loki and company's efforts to fix the TVA.

While staging a rescue, the events of Episode 1 in the Second Season are about to become full circle. It's the scene where Sylvie becomes trapped in the elevator, and as she pries open the doors she sees the Loki of the past (from Episode 1). At this point, the Loki of Episode 4 sees his time-slipping past self before choosing to prune him and send him back to his point in the timeline. Once the deed is done, Loki tells Sylvie: "I promise you this will make sense" and it certainly did. They get a phone call from O.B., who tells Loki and Sylvie that the only way to take Miss Minutes offline is to reboot the system — which means they lose the safety system, which means Loki and Sylvie will get to use their magic.

As Miss Minutes is being deactivate, she has some final words for Victor Timely and she says them in cold, menacing way: "You'll never be him." With the creepy clock gone and TVA's magic-suppressing devices offline, this enables Sylvie to enchant Wolfe and control him into pruning Renslayer. Timely is rescued and is able to restore access to the Temporal Loom, but the Loom's increased temporal radiation spaghettifies him before he can launch the Throughput Multiplier he invented. What I'm about to say next will shock you, it something that even I didn't see coming. The Temporal Loom explodes, with the blast wave spreading towards Loki, Mobius, Sylvie, B-15, Casey, and Ouroboros in the TVA. The screen cuts to black and everything is silent for a few seconds, then cue the credits.

We'll back on November 10th to recap the final two episodes of Marvel Studios' Loki Season 2.

Adolis GarcĂ­a
Born: March 2, 1993
Outfielder for the Texas Rangers
MVP of the 2023 American League Championship Series

That's your Celebrity of the Week, and this has been the Wkly Hit List.
