Wkly Hit List, 6/25/2023

We have some a shocking story to discuss that caused some major problems for us. On Friday morning, the main computer (iMac Desktop) we used to create the content we share on KlicKNet was unable to startup when we sign in, and after more ten attempts to sign in we took the computer to the Apple Store. The genius bar determine the storage on the computer was full to capacity, causing issues with the hard drive inside. Luckily, they were able to erase what was on the iMac from before and restore everything back, keep in mind that we didn't use anything that involves KlicKNet or the short film NickCam. That's because prior to Friday, we had all our work on two external hard drives while the only things that were erased our Adobe apps, DaVinci Resolve, and Fade In Screenwriting Software which are easy to get back through the internet.

As of right now, our main computer has a clean slate so-to-speak and I'm gonna need it for this summer as we tackle on news stories wherever they might be. After several thoughts, I've decided that this post will feature the last 7-Day Rounder, but don't be alarmed because we have something interesting to take its place. So stay tuned.

7-Day Rounder


Chris Hemsworth’s hit action movie franchise, “Extraction,” gets a third installment on streaming giant Netflix



Music Festival Canceled by Shooting at Nearby Campgrounds which left Two Dead and Three Wounded



Draymond Green declines player option with the Golden State Warriors, will become a Free Agent



Latondra Newton steps down as Chief Diversity Officer of The Walt Disney Company after six years



Ava Max recovers after getting slapped on stage by a fan during her concert in Los Angeles, California



San Antonio Spurs select Victor Wembanyama from France as #1 Overall Pick in the 2023 NBA Draft



Members of the Directors’ Guild of America ratify New Film & Television Contract with 87% of the Vote In Favor


Marvel fans know by now that Jonathan Majors is going through some legal drama. He is participating in court after allegations of him assaulting his girlfriend. It’s a case that I’ve been paying close attention mainly because Majors is supposed be the NEW BIG BAD of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his performances as He Who Remains in Loki and Kant The Conqueror in Ant-Man: Quantumania were 150% excellent and I for one would like to more him other MCU projects, namely Avengers: The Kang Dynasty. New development this week regarding the assault case against Majors might the most intriguing and there could be some good news at the end of the tunnel when this is over.

To help us understand the situation thus far, I’ve been watching two videos from The Cosmic Wonder and Everything Always who do great videos about the Movie and TV industry. After mic consideration, I believe that the video KlicKNettars should be watch comes from Everything Always, because it explains the Jonathan Majors situation much more personally. So without further ado, here’s new evidence in this week’s Sneak Peek of the Week.

(Camera Footage and Witnesses

Our Inside Scoop this week is review on the first episode of Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion Starring Nick Fury. We've been waiting for this series to come since it was first announced in December 2020, we most definitely been waiting to tell our KlicKNettars what we thought about the first episode. Some will remember that we had try to review discussions for other Marvel Studios TV Shows like The Falcon and The Winter Solider, I'll admit they didn't work out great at first, but this time I'm looking to correct that mistake, so here we go.

WARNING: This piece may contain spoilers, so if you haven't seen Secret Invasion Episode 1 yet, stop reading now. If you would like to continue at your risk, be my guest. The opening scene had a lot of twist and turns, it kinda picks up where other projects left off, take Black Panther: Wakanda Forever for instant, Everett Ross was arrested for aiding the Wakandans behind the CIA's back but was later freed by Okoye in her Midnight Angel Suit. Ross seems to be on the run after Wakanda Forever, he runs from a man after he just killed CIA agent Prescod, who theorized that Skrull rebels are plotting to take over the world by bringing about a global war. To do this, they have faked many terrorist attacks causing nations to turn on each other. It's these kind of plots that make people including me interested in watching television shows that involve the government and spys.

Maria Hill shows up to assist Ross, but the man chasing Ross catches up and kills him, this man turns out to be Talos and Ross turns out to be a Skrull who is part of the rebel group Prescod talked about. This leads into the next scenes where Nick Fury is beamed down from S.A.B.E.R., which I'm guessing has nothing to do with S.W.O.R.D., and we that Nick Fury is going through a rough patch lately. From I've been hearing, he hasn't recovered from The Blip despite being just fine in Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home. But now he has no eyepatch, nonetheless, Hill takes him to meet Talos, and we find out that Talos' mate Soren is dead. It's really sad to hear that nobody is the same since The Blip, and we learn how much it has affected the Skrulls, maybe even drove some of them to start a rebellion.

Talos claims that the Skrulls spent thirty years working for Fury to ensure he would find them a new planet. But after The Blip, Fury became different and disappeared from Earth for three long years without any contact. Talos is also saddened by the lost of his daughter, he has also lost his spot on the Skrull Council and exiled from all things Skrull. This leads to the rise to power of another Skrull named Gravik who is leading the rebellion responsible for the conflict between the nations of the world. Later, Fury is kidnapped by MI6 agents and taken to meet Sonya Falsworth, who Fury knows for a long time; he tries to propose an alliance to stop Gravik, but she refuses. However, Fury uses a bug to eavesdrop on her and the Prime Minister of the UK, allowing him and Talos to locate another rebel, Vasily Poprishchin, but Fury ends up killing him after failing to interrogate him. You might notice that Talos is said to lose another member of his species, but wait until he meets his daughter again.

In this episode, we also get to see what's going down at the White House, Rhodey is now a presidential advisor for US President Ritson who learns that Fury has left S.A.B.E.R. and that Maria Hill and Nick Fury have gone AWOL. The President tells Rhodey to deal with it and who knows if he actually will, as for Hill and Fury we that Prescod had found schematics for a dirty bomb, which the Skrulls could use to stage another terrorist attack that will be credited to a radical group called Americans Against Russia (AAR), provoking a war between two "major powers" in the USA and Russia. Then, Talos reunites with his daughter G'iah, who acquired the dirty bombs for the rebels. After Talos claims Gravik killed her mother Soren, G'iah reveals the rebels plan to attack Vossoyedineniye Square on Unity Day and marks the bombs' locations. This comes into question whether G'iah is really helping her father, or is she simply setting him up, now there's a twist to tell your friends about.

We come to the end of the episode and boy it's a real shocker, as Fury, Hill, and Talos discover the locations are decoys, Gravik begins to detonate the bombs. In the ensuing chaos, Hill comes across who she believes is Fury, then outta nowhere she gets shot. Now some think Fury shot her because he realized that she is a Skrull, but then the real Nick Fury comes into the picture this proves that it was actually Gravik disguised as Fury. Fury and Talos are forced to flee and abandon Hill who seemingly die in Fury's arms. I couldn't believe that they would even do that, the writers must be savage to kill off one of the MCU's most key characters. While Episode 1 had its fun, I've been told that Episode 2 of Secret Invasion "get a lot better (and crazier)!" and we'll be back here next weekend with another review.

Esai Morales
Born: October 1, 1962
Starred in, NYBD Blue, Dora The Explorer, Ozark, and Titans
Set to star in Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One

That's your Celebrity of the Week, and this has been the Wkly Hit List.
