Wkly Hit List, 4/29/2023

WE'RE BACK KLICKNETTARS. We've been taking a break after making the 100th Episode of FakeTV Box, now it's time for a new era to begin. But, not before we make an announcement; we plan to do a season finale of Wkly Hit List LIVE this May on YouTube, Twitter, and maybe even Facebook. It's been almost a year since we started doing Wkly Hit List LIVE and it deserves something special just before the one-year anniversary. We also would like to do more episodes of FakeTV Box this coming Summer. LIVE streams will likely return in the Fall, and on top of that, past episodes of Wkly Hit List LIVE will be removed from KlicKNet's YouTube Channel in order to make space and start fresh. So catch up on all episodes of Wkly Hit List when you watch KlicKNet on YouTube. For those who haven't seen our 100th Episode of FakeTV Box yet, I don't know what's wrong with you, but here's an encore presentation down below in the place of the 7-Day Round-Up which will return at later date.

FTB | The 100th Episode Special - Apr 17, 2023 - FakeTV Box

DC Comic Fans can't wait to see The Flash Movie starring Ezra Miller, coming to theaters on June 16. A new trailer was released this week during the 2023 CinemaCon, but I say it's a real shame that we can't do FakeTV Box trailer reaction episode on it, the same can be said for the newest trailer for Fast X. So, we'll just have to present the second Flash Trailer to our KlicKNettars in another edition of the Sneak Peek of the Week.

The Flash - Official Trailer 2

Our Inside Scoop this week concerns something that nobody seems to be taking serious. On May 1st, 2023, there's a good chance that the Writers Guild of America will go strike. The reason why is this, for the last several weeks, the Writers Guild and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers have failed to reach a minimum bargaining agreement for writers in Film and TV industry. According to IndieWire: "Writers say they want a living wage as streaming devalues their work even as it demands more of their time. Studios [such as Paramount, Disney, Universal, etc.] say that the guild is asking too much at the wrong time — for streaming has to focus on revenue when it used to value subscriber counts." 

It was on April 17th that WGA members overwhelmingly approved a strike authorization vote, which gives the guild permission from over 11,500 television and movie writers to initiate a strike if the WGA and the AMPTP can’t make a deal. The vote was approved by 97.78 percent of the members who voted, a record for the guild in terms of unity but also in terms of members who submitted ballots. It gives the WGA a lot of leverage in the remaining days of talks with the AMPTP before the May 1st deadline and "proves that they mean business."

For those who have followed the Film and TV Industry for so many years should know that if there is a strike, it won't be for the first time, there have been many others before in the past, with the recent one happening from November 2007 - February 2008, KlicKNet didn't even exist back then, but the iPhone was getting started. All those years ago, the WGA fought for regulated payment over content moving to “new media." This was streaming was "not a thing" until Netflix became a pioneer in it by introducing us to the concept. In the 100-day work stoppage of 2007-08 strike, talk shows (The Daily Show, The Tonight Show, The Late Show) and other variety shows (Saturday Night LIVE) ground to a halt. TV series like “30 Rock,” “The Big Bang Theory,” “Heroes,” and even "iCarly) saw their seasons cut short, while other show like “24” or “Entourage” were delayed altogether. Wrestling shows like the WWE were affected because their writers are nonunion.

So if you are a screenwriter who works for an unionized group and you just written script, you can't sell that script to any studios, or pitch any ideas for new content, or write anything for a show or movie you're currently working on now. Whether it's an animated series or a fictional postcast, they count as scripted as well. In conclusion, the WGA and the AMPTP have until May 1st to make up a new deal and prevent another writers' strike, and just like in 2007, late night shows will be the first impacted by having no writers. Dulce Solan is scheduled to guest The Daily Show from May 1-4 so she could be looking at hosting one episode and then the strike happens. Saturday Night Live announced a short time ago that Pete Davidson will return to host the show one year after leaving as a SNL cast member, and that may not happen either.

Now in case you KlicKNettars where does KlicKNet stand in all of this, we can tell you that we're not going away since our writers' room is not unionized, much less has signed any kind of contract with the Writers Guild of America. We can write new episodes as we pleased and no one can tell us not. People who do their own talk shows on YouTube don't have to worry as long as their nonunion, there's going to be a lot happening in the news this summer no matter what the specific topic is. I look forward to monitoring the ongoing saga with the WGA for KlicKNet and FakeTV Box are always there to take a huge spin on the latest news everywhere.

Kate Beckinsale
Born: July 26, 1973
Starred in Much Ado About Nothing
Set to star in Fool's Paradise

That's your Celebrity of the Week, and this has been the Wkly Hit List.
