KlicKNet Presents: FakeTV Box - 100th Episode Special


On February 4, 2021 - the very first episode of FakeTV Box premiered on YouTube.

And now on this day, in the year 2023, we've reached a milestone three years in the making. It's the FakeTV Box 100th Episode Special.

Hello, KlicKNettars. Welcome to the 100th Episode of FakeTV Box with Kwame Alexander, the show that takes a huge spin on the latest news everywhere. I wanna thank everyone who was able to come see this and thank them especially for joining us on this incredible journey. It's hard to imagine that we're even writing this to you all, I mean when we started back in 2020 it was year full of uncertainty, but it was also a year of opportunity because by staying at home and standing in front of a mac computer for endless hours from morning to overnight, I was finally able to accomplish a goal that I had in the back of my mind for a few years. That goal was to create a YouTube channel, gain as many viewers and subscribers as possible, and build a social media platform where people can hear me voice about what interests me, whether it's about Social Media, Pop Culture, Movies, TV, Sports, Music, Politics, you name it.

If you've seen the homemade trailer of FakeTV Box which I did in my basement in 2020, those were the topics I promised we would cover on the show, and we've also done trailer reaction episodes and live-streams covering San Diego Comic Con, the D23 Expo, and the 2022 Midterm Elections in the United States. I know I've come along way from filming in various locations in my house to literally reporting from iKwame.com Studios on 114th Road Studios in New York City. So big thank you to my crew for their hard work and dedication over the past three years, and there's gonna be a lot of thanks to get into later but right now, we wanna turn the clocks back to February 4, 2021. The day the first FakeTV Box Episode premiered on YouTube, I haven't watched this in a while and I can't wait to see myself two years younger, trying to do my own Mitch McConnell impression and what not.

Recapping the First Month of 2021 in Politics - Feb 04, 2021 - FakeTV Box

This show was there when the news broke out about lots of stuff like Disneyland Forward, the War between the United States and the Delta Variant of COVID-19, the dropping of the first Spider-Man No Way Home trailer, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act signing into law, when Hugh Jackman announced he would play Wolverine again in Deadpool 3, Universal Parks announcing their first theme park in Texas, it's amazing how we've done all of those episodes in the past three years. Not to mention, all the trailers beside Spider-Man that we've reacted to, the list is as long as my arm and it's about to get longer because we have two new reactions to the trailers for Marvel Studios' latest projects: Secret Invasion coming this summer and The Marvels coming in November this Fall.

Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion Trailer Reaction

Secret Invasion is based on Marvel Comics storyline that I know a little bit about. It seems like a series where an alien species known as the Skrulls invade the planet Earth, but what if it was something more? What if this is a series where the mental mind of a human being was tested like never before and everything we thought we knew about the characters within the Marvel Cinematic Universe was all a lie. There was some rumors going on that this show might take place between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, but it looks like it could come at a different time period; that or the Skrulls are playing tricks on me and they're the ones who started the rumors online. Either way, it's going to be real exciting to see Samuel L. Jackson play Nick Fury again as the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D uncovers a conspiracy for a group of Skrulls who infiltrate Earth in positions of power around the world. The cast line-up is great and the filming and visual effects of Secret Invasion is without a doubt superb, so be there on June the 21st when it hits streaming on Disney+. As for The Marvels...

Marvel Studios' The Marvels Teaser Trailer Reaction

This is the kind of the film that gets exciting because Marvel Studios is soaring to new heights. Interesting enough, there's likely going to be two back-to-back space movies from the Studios this year with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 coming in May and then we have The Marvels in November. The dynamic between Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan is gonna be something to geek out at the movie theaters, with callbacks from Captain America: Civil War waiting in the wing, in a Spider-Man sort of way. After her hit series last year on Disney+, Kamala will get to meet her hero in-person and team up with her as well. These ladies find their powers entangled with one another's' and it's due to Captain Marvel falling into a wormhole that's linked to the Kree. We see them swapping places with each other every time they use their powers and everybody wants to know why. Also, I wanna know if they changed S.W.O.R.D's name to S.A.B.E.R, if so then why or is this a whole new organization that Monica and Nick Fury are apart of. We will just have to wait till November 10th to find out as Marvel Studios' The Marvels is just months away.

Happy 100 Episodes from Senior Correspondent Kwame 
Alexander - Apr 14, 2023 - FakeTV Box

Happy 100 Episodes from Tuck Tomeson - Apr 15, 2023 - FakeTV Box

Happy 100 Episodes from Dr. Julius Erving - Apr 15, 2023 - FakeTV Box

We have a lots of shoutouts from the people who have been on our show before, but it couldn't hurt to have some fresh new faces. In fact I've been hoping to have guests on FakeTV Box in the near future and probably interview in long discussion about stuff. And as KlicKNettars know, this show would not be where it is now without its segments, and the two most popular I think are Before and After and Vital Inform Polls, check this out.

Before...Chicago was chosen to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Atlanta and New York City was in the running of host. Now...

After...Chicago was chosen, Atlanta and New York are focused on running for the 2030 Winter Olympics. Pray they don't screw this one up, Atlantans and New Yorkers.

Before...The Super Mario Bros Movie premiered in theaters, Disney's Frozen II held the record for the biggest worldwide opening weekend for an animated film at the box office. Now...

After...The Super Mario Bros Movie broke the record, Disney will try to take it back by making Frozen III, a 3 hour long movie.

Before...Matthew McConaughey said in an interview he and Woody Harrelson might be brothers, they were simply just Acting Buddies. Now...

After...Reading the interview's article, I can honestly say that I can see the resemblance.

Before...The Toronto Blue Jays beat the Tampa Bay Rays in their home country of Canada, the Rays were 13-0 to start the 2023 MLB Season. Now...

After this...the Rays at least remain undefeated in the United States of America.

Before...Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello were spotted kissing at Coachella, everyone thought that they had broken up. Now...

After this...their next song together will be called "We Know What You Did at Coachella!"

Now for some Vital Inform Polls.

We asked people "Would You Ever Like to Go Camping?"
25% Yes
25% No
25% Maybe
25% Not if Cocaine Bear gonna be there

When asked a hundred people "What Should WWE's Premium Live Event in Saudi Arabia Be Named as?"
50% King and Queen of the Ring
49% Night of Champions
1% Anything better than Great Balls of Fire

Next up, we wanted to know "Do Moviegoers if think The Flash will suck in theaters:"
40% No
50% Yes
10% If they had Grant Gustin in a cameo, I guess it would be worth watching.

The next poll was this: "Is there More or Less Than 1,000 Jelly Beans in this Jar?"
25% More than
25% Less than
50% Maybe...I should just eat them all and find out.

And finally, we asked 100 people:  "What's the Most-Recent Streaming Show You've Seen?"
20% The Last of Us
25% The Mandalorian
5% Star Trek: Picard
40% Anything that's not a Space Opera for crying out loud

Before we sign off, I wanna tell you what a 100 Episodes means to me. In 2017, I went to a seminar about How to create your YouTube Channel in Manhattan, and then another seminar about How to livestream on YouTube in Manhattan. Since then, I knew I had to try them both for myself, thanks to a little help from college, I created my own little platform and I've only begun to expand it. FakeTV Box was originally going to be the name of the channel, but I had trouble changing from my real full name, then last year, I decided that KlicKNet is going to be the new name and I stuck with, apart from the time I had it as the "Kwame Channel" for a couple of hours and that was the same day we premiered the Wkly Hit List. So now I've accomplished both of my goal to have a channel and do a proper livestream, there was a period between the 2020 Presidential Election and the 2021 Georgia Runoffs where I wanted to test the waters of live streaming and it was a disaster, but I've said time and time again that I can redeem myself with number of content I put on YouTube. 

I wanna thank my family for supporting on this journey, my Mom, my Big Sister Maunda, other Big Brothers Eric, Larrie and Presley, as well as my late father, I don't know if he ever saw an episode of this show before he passed away, but he would have been proud of me. I want to give a shout out to the people who appeared in our vlog episodes at Brooklyn College, a shout out to the characters that I brought on the show, they're all very funny, thank you to the people behind the scenes for making 100 episodes a reality. Finally, thank you to all the KlicKNettars out there, thank you so much for reading this, please remember to like, comment, and share everything on our channel, give your support always by hitting the subscribe button and even tell anyone you know who would like to see what I do. And I'll see next time for 100 more episodes of FakeTV Box with Kwame Alexander.
