NickCam - Production Thoughts

Student Short Film
Genre: Teen Comedy
Producer, Writer and Director: Kwame Alexander
Production Company: Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Pre-Production: Completed
Shooting: 99% Completed
Post-Production: Starting January 2023

Description: "NickCam," a college student short film themed around teen comedy and based on an original story from a decade ago.

Synopsis: Nick Cameron and his friends, who co-host their own web show after school, allow a fellow comrade to audition for a spot in their cast. Unbeknownst to the participant, the audition is really a prank that Nick and company is live-streaming in hopes of gaining more viewers for the show. Setting takes place between 2008 and 2013 in Vallejo, California.

Thoughts: Over 49 applications were sent in to join the cast or crew of NickCam on I can't thank everyone of those applicants enough for applying to my student film project. To the actors who were picked to be in the cast did an incredible job bringing each character to life on-set and I wanna thank them from the bottom of my heart, as well as each crew members were able to make the trip to Brooklyn, NY and helped out behind the scenes.

Starting very early next year, post-production to turn this into a 10-minute film will begin, however there is one final shot that needs to be done to make the production 100% complete. I won't get into full details about that unless it's in private talk.

For more information on how you can help, please contact me (the Producer, Writer and Director) through Instagram, Facebook, or email at either of these two addresses: and
