Wkly Hit List, 10/22/2022

This edition of Wkly Hit List is going to be really different for some reason. I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe it has to do with the time and the date, maybe I got a new shirt, or maybe it's because I need another vacation. My time in Italy was really fun this past summer, and but New York will always be my home, and I don't plan on going anywhere for a long time. However, some people might getting out of office in a few weeks with the 2022 Midterm Elections coming soon, and just a quick reminder, or if you haven't already heard; FakeTV Box will be LIVE-streaming on November 8th at 9PM EST/6PM EST to bring you its own Election Night Coverage. In the meantime, fancy yourself to the usuals on Wkly Hit List, starting with the 7-Day Rounder.

7-Day Rounder


‘Halloween Ends’ is projected with $43.4 Million Dollars on Opening Day at the Box Office



The Philadelphia Eagles improve to 6-0 for the 2022 Season after beating the Dallas Cowboys in Week 6



Harrison Ford set as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross for ‘Captain America: New World Order’



Netflix gains 2.4 million in new subscribers and reverse losses due to advertising option



CBS Extends Three Rookie Series - 'Fire Country,' 'East New York' and 'So Help Me Todd' - for Full Seasons



Carolina Panthers star RB Christian McCaffrey traded to the San Francisco 49ers for draft picks



Nearly six million ballots have been cast in pre-election voting before the actual 2022 Midterms


For all you lovers of Superhero Movies out there, Black Adam starring Dwyane Johnson is now in theaters, and it's a can't miss regardless of what the critics might say. Do you know who Black Adam reminds me for a moment, and I wouldn't want the Man in Black to be offended or anything, but he reminds of Donkey Kong from Super Mario. Think about it, they both know how to smash stuff, they are both what you would call an anti-hero, and they like to pick on someone who is not their size. I wonder if Black Adam will ever get his own theme park attraction like Donkey Kong will at Universal Parks' Super Nintendo World. Through this week's Sneak Peek of the Week. here's a rumor that DK might be coming to Universal Studios Hollywood, courtesy of our good friend, Theme Park Wizard. 

RUMOR: Donkey Kong Coaster Coming To Universal 
Studios Hollywood in 2025??

In our Inside Scoop this week, we're going to talk about subpoenas, you might be asking me right now: "What the heck is a subpoena?" Well according to Oxford Languages: "a subpoena is a writ ordering a person to attend a court." According to a FAQ that we found on the website of UC Berkeley in California: "a subpoena is a legal document that commands a person or entity to testify as a witness at a specified time and place (at a deposition, trial, or other hearing), and/or to produce documents or other tangible objects in a legal proceeding." The reason why we are talking about subpoenas is because President #45 just got subpoenaed.

That's right, former President Donald Trump was given a subpoena by the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. Painting him as the central figure in the multi-step plan to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, the committee has wasted no time trying to compel Trump to sit for a deposition under oath and to provide documents. They are giving him until November 4 to hand over said documents and have asked that he either appear in person or virtually for “one or more days of deposition testimony beginning on or about November 14.”

Now I know what some of you might be thinking, but as my father once said: "Don't get to excited." Because Donald Trump may not show up on November 14 or even share the documents the January 6th committee, he has been very local about their investigation and has been too busy with other things like running for President again in 2024. According to CNN: "Trump could fight the subpoena in court, possibly setting up a hugely significant battle that could go to the highest level of the nation’s Judicial Branch, but it’s also possible such a legal challenge would outlast the committee’s mandate."

So it seems like we're in the biggest standoff since that car refused to move out the way of the other car right outside in front of my house, I can't tell you how it ended, but let's just say that other neighbors weren't happy. But then again, some have said that Trump might have no other choice. One of these people happens to be the committee’s vice chairwoman, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, she assumes that Trump will fulfill his legal obligation and honor the committee’s subpoena. But if not, in her words: the committee will "take the steps [they] need to take after that, but [she] doesn’t want to go too far down that path at this point.” With all of this happening, it's going to very interesting to see how this affects the 2022 Midterms Elections coming up, maybe not a lot but the same could be said less about the 2024 Election.

Anthony Katagas
Born: January 28, 1971
Won an Academy Award for Best Picture for producing 12 Years a Slave
Producer of The Lost City of Z, The Woman in the Window, and Armageddon Time

That's your Celebrity of the Week, and this has been the Wkly Hit List.
