NickCam - Casting & Crew Call


Student Short Film
Genre: Teen Comedy
Producer, Writer and Director: Kwame Alexander
Production Company: Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Union Status: Nonunion
All Roles: Free/Without Pay
Filming Location: New York City area or Long Island
Rehearsal Date: November 17 - 18, 2022
Shooting Date: December 2 - 4, 2022

Production Description: Casting for "NickCam," a college student short film themed around teen comedy and based on an original story. 

Synopsis: Nick Cameron and his friends, who co-host their own web show after school, allow a fellow comrade to audition for a spot in their cast. Unbeknownst to the participant, the audition is really a prank that Nick and company is live-streaming in hopes of gaining more viewers for the show. Setting takes place between 2008 and 2013 in Vallejo, California.

All roles are are free and without pay. If snacks, drinks and meals are unprovided on-set, choose to bring your own. Rehearsals are November 17th and 18th. Shooting happens from December 2nd to December 4th from 12PM - 7PM. Please dress in warm clothes due to possible coldness in the weather. Please email me (at a cover letter, noting your availability and contact information. Include a video submission in your email. 

Auditions: October 4, 5, and 7, 2022 (from 5PM-7PM). Auditions will be held over Zoom. Make sure your camera and microphone are working properly. Zoom Link found down below.

Audition 1: Oct 4, 2022 05:00-05:40PM
Audition 2: Oct 4, 2022 05:40-06:20PM
Audition 3: Oct 4, 2022 06:20-07:00PM
Audition 4: Oct 5, 2022 05:00-05:40PM
Audition 5: Oct 5, 2022 05:40-06:20PM
Audition 6: Oct 5, 2022 06:20-07:00PM
Audition 7: Oct 7, 2022 05:00-05:40PM
Audition 8: Oct 7, 2022 05:40-06:20PM
Audition 9: Oct 7, 2022 06:20-07:00PM

Note: Additional auditions to those who are late or unavailable for the original scheduling will be held no later than Tuesday, October 11th.

Audition 10: Oct 8, 2022 04:00-04:40PM
Audition 11: Oct 8, 2022 04:40-05:20PM
Audition 12: Oct 8, 2022 05:20-06:00PM
Audition 13: Oct 10, 2022 05:00-05:40PM
Audition 14: Oct 10, 2022 05:40-06:20PM
Audition 15: Oct 10, 2022 06:20-07:00PM
Audition 16: Oct 11, 2022 05:00-05:40PM
Audition 17: Oct 11, 2022 05:40-06:20PM
Audition 18: Oct 11, 2022 06:20-07:00PM

Above all, apply for roles at if you can.

Script, Storyboard, Shooting Scheduleand Lookbook are available here.


Role: Nick Cameron - Lead, Male, 16-19
Ethnicity: Black/African American 
Role Description: Nick Cameron (16) is an African American teenager from Vallejo, California who is the main host of NickCam, a comedy web show that he broadcasts LIVE after school with the help of his friends. He is very smart, funny and handsome, and views himself as a geeky computer expert and prank master. He is determined to get more viewers for the show by any means necessary.

Role: Rhodey-Bill & M.J. Wilde - Supporting, Dual Role, Male, 16-19
Ethnicity: Black/Jamaican American
Role Description: Rhodey-Bill Wilde (16) and his brother Mitchell-Johnson Wilde (16) - “M.J.” for short - are two identical twins whom are Jamaican-Americans and best friends with Nick Cameron. Their next door neighbors are The Busch Twins.

Rhodey-Bill wears glasses to help him see from a far distance and he likes to wear non-sports caps most of the time. He is eccentric, creative and likes to joke around with people too much.

M.J. likes to listen to music on iPod when he’s working or trying to relax. He is smart, oversensitive, and gullible  to some, but he is very determined to complete certain challenges in life like finishing up all of his homework.

Role: Roseanne Kenseth - Supporting, Female, 16-19
Ethnicity: Black/Jamaican American
Role Description: Roseanne Kenseth (16) is Jamaican American teenager with brown hair and wears glasses. As one of Nick Cameron's best friends: She is his right-hand woman in putting the show "NickCam" together. She has much concerns for other people's intentions and worries that Nick and Rhodey-Bill's ideas to get famous on the internet will backfire and get them in big trouble.

Role: Louise & Shirin Busch - Supporting, Dual Role, Female, 16-19
Ethnicity: Black/African American
Role Description: Louise Busch (16) and her sister Shirin Busch (16) are two identical twins whom are African-Americans and best friends with Nick Cameron. Their next door neighbors with The Wilde Twins.

Louise is one of the most popular girls at her high school. She has long brown hair and likes to wear a lot of makeup whenever the NickCam is broadcasting a new show. She can try to be an attention hog on-camera and often helps Nick and Rhodey-Bill out with their pranks.

Shirin is Roman Harvick's girlfriend and one of many bookish and naïve girls in high school. Her hair is black but shorter than her sister's. She also likes to walk to and from school with Roman and enjoys seeing her fellow cast members of NickCam get in trouble as long as she's not with them.

Role: Roman Harvick - Supporting, Male, 16-19
Ethnicity: Black/African American
Role Description: Roman Harvick (16) is African American with short black hair. He's another best friend of Nick Cameron and Shirin Busch's boyfriend. He can be seen as the most responsible cast member of NickCam, other than Roseanne Kenseth. If his friends are in any kind of trouble, he is always there to help them out.

Role: Qristyl Logano - Supporting, Female, 16-19
Ethnicity: White/Latino-American
Role Description: Qristyl Logano is the only white cast member on NickCam. She is Latino-American who wears glasses, has black hair with a long ponytail, and is also tech savvy. She helps get the cameras and lighting working so that the audience can see what the NickCam cast wants them to see in perfect quality.


  • 1st AD (Assistant Director) - The AD must also assist in location scouting.
  • PA - On the set of this Brooklyn College Film production, the Production Assistant (PA) is to work closely with the Director and 1st AD.
  • DP - The Director of Photography is to also take the role of the Camera Operator. Skills require using the following equipment: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, Canon C100, Sony A7SII.
  • Gaffer/Lighting Director - Person in charge in all the lightning. Skills require using the following equipment: Lighting Kit and LED Lighting.
  • Grip - The Grip is to assist with the electrical work on-set. Skills require using the following equipment: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, Canon C100, Lighting Kit, Sony A7S II, LED Lighting Kit, and Sennheiser G3 Wireless Mics Kit.
  • Sound Mixer - The Sound Mixer is to work with the Boom Operator. Skills require using the following equipment: Sound Devices MixPre3 or Sound Devices 633 and a Microphone Kit.
  • Boom Operator - The Boom Operator is to work with the Sound Mixer. Skills require using the following equipment: Boom Mic, Boom Kit, and Microphone Kit.
  • Hair, Makeup & Wardrobe Stylist - Person in charge of hair, make-up, and wardrobe.
  • COVID/Safety Officer - Officer in charge of COVID-19 and other safety protocols.
For more information, Please contact me (the Producer, Writer and Director) at (347)-954-5195 or at
