#fakeTV Friday, 11/9/2018

#fakeTV FRiDAY 

I know I said I would be back this Sunday, but that seems like a long time to me, so therefore: I'M BACK! After a week dominated by the 2018 Midterm Elections, #KlicKNet returns to bring its viewers what they want. I would first like to congratulate the Democratic Party for winning back the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in eight long years. Just as they planned, the Democrats have the power to block any that Mr. T tries to put into power despite the fact that the Republicans still control with the Senate. We had a record breaking number of Women elected into Congress last Tuesday, according to the Washington Post, "More than 100 women were projected to win seats in the House of Representatives, easily shattering the record. Overwhelmingly they were Democrats who helped the party take control of the chamber." The past record was more than 84 of 435 seats in the House, and although votes are still being counted, 100 women will be officially declared winners. However, it needless to say that the aftermath of the Midterms have taken its toll, for the day afterwards was absolutely overwhelming for some people in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday the President fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions and replaced him Mr. T loyalist Matthew Whitaker as Acting AG. But what makes this story so important is that Whitaker shares the president’s complaints about the special counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller into Russia’s election interference, where unlike Sessions did not, and with the Democrats, it's going to be very very interesting to see how will of this will play out for the rest of Mr. T's presidency. But the day after that, we all woke to the news yesterday morning that there's been yet another mass shooting, this time in the Borderline Bar and Grill located at The Oaks Shopping Center in Thousand Oaks, California. 12 Dead (including a police officer), 25 more injured, and the shooter was also found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, so it's a shame that he could not be brought to justice properly, but it's also a bigger shame with how this entire incident started. More than 200 patrons were inside the bar which was hosting a regularly scheduled "College Country Night" event for students in the area, including Pepperdine University, California Lutheran University, and California State University Channel Islands. The shooter has two guns and a couple of smoke bombs in his possession, and among the people he killed was a 27-year-old who had previously survived that deadly mass shooting last year in Las Vegas that killed more than 50 people. In fact, several survivors at Thousand Oaks had been in attendance at the site of Las Vegas shooting last year, the Route 91 Harvest festival to be exact, so who would have thought that they would cheat death twice in two terrible shootings. Well, all I can say is that I hope for the best for each of the survivors, and after last Tuesday's Midterms, this very well could be Congress' chance to finally get something done for the good of America.
Moving on, after days if preparation, writing, editing, re-writing, re-editing, and finalizing, #fakeTV can finally present "The Kyrie File's Pre-Recorded Unedited Midterm Election Night Special: American Reboot 2018." At first I had started writing on Election Day, but after the results were in on Wednesday, I wondered if I should start all over from scratch, but then I realized that I should be happy with my work and therefore #KlicKNet viewers will get to Kyrie's take on the Midterm Elections. This has to be my favorite Kyrie File special yet, because the last two were very though to come up, but I think I am getting hang of making fun of the news as they do on late-night talks shows like The Daily Show and Full Frontal. So without any further ado, the new special will be released later today, and there is a surprise at the end that I think the viewers are really going to like, and I will see back on Sunday for new daily updates right here on #KlicKNet.

Deb Haaland
Born: December 2, 1960
Democrat elected as New Mexico's 1st House District
One of the first two Native American women to be elected to Congress

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Good Job America!
