#fakeTV Friday: Inside the Vault, 5/5/2017

#fakeTV Friday: Inside the Vault

In the first week of May, we are in for a first fun weekend of May, and why you might ask, let's look at the facts. Marvel Studios' newest film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is in theaters now and all bets are indeed off on that one. The sequel looks fantastic than the first movie, the only question, when can I possibly see It? If you're looking who something else fun to see, then check out the 143rd running of the Kentucky Derby which always leads to the promises of a Triple Crown victory at the end of the season. Now for an important announcement I have promises to make yesterday and that's is KilcK-Net will be off all next week. The timing of this could not be so sudden, I was think about going out to see Guardians Vo. 2, but unfortunately, those are not my plans for next week. Instead, my mother has found another day program for me and it will be a one week trial starting Monday morning, If you remember back in March 2015 before my Hawaiian Vacation, I went to one program where I had to ride the city bus all by myself, and then in late December before Christmas, I went to another program somewhere in Flushing, New York. The mew Day Center I'm going to is not too far from my house and it would probably take two buses to get there. So all and all, I'm going to be pretty busy next week but I will try to make the most of it.
Last Week on #fakeTV: Inside the Vault, we went through next stage in the World of NickCam, and that stage was known as Rhodey, NY with me as my favorite character Rhodey Wilde who would navigate his way through the city of New York City and start a new life after NickCam which look place in San Francisco. Believe it or not but during the trip to Hawaii back in 2015, my family and I had to take flights to get there and between each two, we were at the San Francisco Airport,. I was quite excited that I finally got to travel to the other side the United States, my least favorite part about it was when I lost my old wallet on the plane. When got to the airport, we saw many San Francisco-related Sports merchandise and in case you're wondering, no New York-related things. When we on the second flight that led to Hawaii. my mother looked out the plane and said that she saw AT&T Park which is where the San Francisco Giants play, I wasn't paying attention and didn't see as we flew off to Hawaii. That trip I took two years ago gave me the impression to write fantastic episodes of Rhodey, NY as my experience in New York coupled with the small experience in another city is what gave me the idea to do this NickCam spin-off, Also, about 16 years I went to Six FLags Great Adventure when I was a young boy and that experience there is what gave me the idea to come up with one of setting for the Rhodey, NY in which Rhodey would have somewhere to work and hang out with new friends, the place was called Mystic Adventure Theme Park. It just goes to show that when you go to new places and see things you never seen before, you can come back home and share experience to people who would understand. That's it for this week on KlicK-Net, one can only tell what next week will bring but I'll be back May 15th with new stories to share. 

Ilana Glazer
Born: April 12, 1987
Star of Broad City Rough Night
Nominated for a MTV Movie & TV Award

That's your Celebrity of the Day, WIsh Me Luck Next Week
