#fakeTV Friday: Inside the Vault, 3/24/2017

#fakeTV FRiDAYInside the Vault

It's really hard to say how this week has turned out for others or how will this upcoming weekend be like with the world still reeling from the horrible ISIS terrorist attack that had occurred in Westminster, London. It happen just last Wednesday when a 52-year-old British man drove a Hyundai badly on the Westminster Bridge, killing two people in the progress and then drove the into a crowd near the palace gates of Westminster. He then attacked a police officer by stabbing him with a knife to death, the 52-year-old was later shot down by other officers who had arrived at the scene of the crime.There had been forty non-fatal injuries but it was considered the first first terrorist attack of such magnitude to occur in the UK since the July 7, 2005 bombings in London. My prays and respect go our to the people of London, though it wasn't much of a major attack, it is an terrible example of how broken the world can be. On the other hand, it can be a shinning example of why we must all stand together in such difficult times when terrorists threaten the world with fear. This is nothing the United Kingdom can't handle and they must be high alert when another incident like this comes around.
Last week on #fakeTV's Inside the Vault, I explained what inspired me to created a new series which was spin-off NickCam, the short-lived sketch comedy NickCam Shorts. What I you don't is what it took to make every sketch and bit for the show, there had been so many that I have done like Ad Men, Goth & Order, Party XL, Rattlesnake Doyle, Crazy Cab Driver, Sally Escapes from Stuffs, Life in a Dojo and some inappropriate ones like The Colossus Twins, War Enterprises, Dragon Prank, The Golden Stock Market, and Air Arizona. If you don't know any of these, scroll way back to 2014 where my blog first started and you'll find them, but let me tell what gave me the idea for each one. During my Commercial Arst class in High School, I doing a project that was title Project "something", I forgot what it was but I remembered that it was about a TV show where a group work at a amusment park like Six Flags Magic Mountain. My artwork had drawn roller coasters that were parodies to rides of that of Magic Moutain, so then I based each NickCam Short sketch off themed roller coasters of the park in California to show my love for roller coasters though I barely ride them. I know this seems ridculous but I was pround of myself to have such an inspiration for making a TV show and one day getting a job that would invovle TV & Film production. I hpe you've enjoyed this week's trip Inside the Vault for #fakeTV will be off next week so I can prepare for WrestleMania Weekend.

Pierce Brosnan
Born: May 16, 1953
Starred in Survivor and I.T.
Set star in AMC's The Son

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Power Up this Weekend
