#fakeTV Friday, 1/13/2017

#fakeTV Friday

As we head into a long-awaited weekend, I said at the start of the week that we could expect big things to happen all week long, and so we've have. President Barack Obama has one week left before his time in office is over and power is handed over to Donald Trump, but on Tuesday night, it was a somber night when Obama gave his farewell address Live in Chicago. I watch most of it until he had finished and then remember what life was like when he was first elected president, and wow, eight years have come and eight years have gone. Hopefully, America will still be America once Trump is in office and Republicans are in control of congress. While the Democratic Party have time to rebuild itself in the coming years, time has run out for the team formerly known as the San Diego Chargers, now called the Los Angeles. At first you think that the team moving to Los Angeles after spending decades in San Diego is a good thing, but then here come the criticism, Chargers were deeply heartbroken by the news of their beloved team moving to Los Angeles and it will take time for the Chargers to rebuild their fan base come next regular season.
2-Part Season Finale

From one sad news top another, after thirteen weeks of launching online, The InZane Club season finale comes today. Part two of the finale will be posted soon, but first, let's review how this whole season. I've made up some great and funny sketches and segments to the show with hilarious characters and plot stories to explain each one, I also used my smarts to find young celebrities to appear in each segment to lend their talents to the show. As soon as Season One is over, development Season Two will commence and you can probably expect newer sketches and characters and more celebrities to appear. Part two of the finale picks up where part one left off in "The New Adventures of Terry the Tomboy" a sketch based of the character of AwesomenessTV, which was a great source to use to find the right setting, theme and tone in opening The InZane Club. The format seems to original, but I'm proud that I've come up with something fresh and new to write about and share with readers every day of the week, and the best work is yet to come. In two weeks, there will be a Kyrie File-centered special which will tackle on the aftermath of Inauguration Day.

Viggo Mortensen
Born: October 20, 1958
Starred in Captain Fantastic and Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Make the Most this Weekend
