KlicK-Net's 700th Blog Post: A Look Back at 2016

KlicK-Net's 700th Blog Post
A Look Back at 2016
It maybe a gloomy day, but it's a BIG Day for KlicK-Net as Post #700 has finally arrived. Seven hundred post is just the beginning, KlicK-Net looks to reach new heights next year in 2017 with the means for going up to 1,000 Posts, so whatever does happen next year, I'm not down yet. In honor for this historic event, I intend on taking us back on a trip down memory lane as we roundup all of the events of 2016, from sports, movies, the election and the one big event that left me in shock. Of course, there's one more month of 2016 left so it seems early to do this, but as if 2016 needs to be any eventful than it already is. What I'm about to share with the people who read this post are more than just mere trending topics or web videos chosen by me or a list of the Top Ten moments of 2016, we'll be looking a the ups and downs, highs and lows and good and bad that occurred this year.

First up, the one thing that this year's Super Bowl, NBA Finals and World Series have in common is that dreams come true. The Denver Broncos, Cleveland Cavaliers and Chicago Cubs each made history respectively, Denver won Super Bowl 50 right before Peyton Manning announced retirement the very same week. Cavaliers won Cleveland its first major professional sports championship won since 1964, and the Cubs ended its one hundred eight World Championship drought earlier on this month. Ironically enough, the Cavaliers and Cubs both came back from a 3–1 deficit and won the next three games in the next respective series to win Championships. it was indeed an historic year for sports fans in Cleveland and in Chicago. If anyone would like to go back and relive my previous stories on these three teams, then scrolled down below and you'll see my perspective.

2016 was full action pack movies like: Deadpool, Zootopia, X-Men: Apocalypse, Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, Sausage Party, Doctor Strange, Suicide Squad, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Captain America: Civil War. Soon, Rouge One: A Star Wars Story will be out in theaters with the first ever teaser trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming which will be one of the movies coming out in 2017. So what else can we expect next year in theaters, there's Guardians of the Galaxy Vo. 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Power Rangers, Transformers 5, Fast 8, Logan, Kong: Skull Island, Star Wars Episode VIII, Wonder Woman and Justice League. Earlier this year, I covered the Red Carpet premieres for Captain American: Civil War and Doctor Strange respectively, they were off the charts amazing, and as you can tell, the best films are yet to come, so let's look at Marvel's best work from 2016.

Aw yes, the 2016 Presidential Election; what an event that was. Well over twenty candidates announced that they were running to take over the White House starting last year, and after many debates, polls, primaries and conventions, only two candidates were left standing in the very end. The War of Worlds between Hillary Clinton and dare I say "President-Elect" Donald Trump was beyond belief, so many things about them were said and I don't feel comfortable re telling them. On Election Night, Clinton won the popular vote, but it was Trump who took advantage of the Electoral Count by getting up to 270 Votes; allowing Republicans to take back the White House and remain in control of Congress in Washington, D.C. involving the Senate and the House. For the next four, it will be rebuilding mode for the Democrats who must first regain some control of Congress starting in the 2018 midterm election and have a strong candidate for the Presidency in 2020. As you may remember, I wasn't in a good mood the morning after the 2016 election weeks ago, no one was, but take a look back at my post-election story and understand how a person like me who voted for the first time feels.

The last thing I want people to remember is when I spoke very seriously about the Orlando Night Club shooting last June. It was the deadliest terrorist attack on United States soil since the September 11th, 2001 attacks in New York City. I said that one man made the Ultimate Murder, when killing forty-nine people and injuring fifty-three more, this mass shooting took away the lives of about a hundred innocents. The question that came after this attack was pretty simple: "What's Next?" the club that was attacked was for lesbians, bisexuals and other gay people who were looking to have a great time, crimes that are against the #LGBT community are a serious things, it does begs the question, What should do about it? Well over the summer, something had been done, people stood up and Prayed for Orlando, they spoke strongly and proudly about this tragic incident, it was as if the United States were was united, not for the election but for something even greater. So relive my opening statement from June 13, 2016 during MaxSports which went on during a week of sadness.

Isabelle Huppert
Born: March 16, 1953
Starred in the Independent film Elle
Won a Gotham Independent Film Award for Bets Actress

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Happy 700th Post to ME
