WebChoice Wednesday, 9/28/2016

WebChoice Wednesday

I don't have much time, but I'm gonna get through this edition of WebChoice as fast as I can.

We are entering the last few days of the 2016 MLB Season and right now five of the six divisions have been clinched by the Cubs, Rangers, Dodgers, Nationals and Indians respectively. The Red Sox have guaranteed themselves a spot in the postseason but have yet to clinched their own divisions, maybe with a win over their arch-rivals Yankees they can do it. The only things that have not been decided is the American and National League Wild Cards, right now the Blue Jays and Mets are in the top spots of each of their respective wild card standings. We could see them clinch sometime this weekend but before the postseason start, people have talked about potential tiebreakers which could lead to much more bigger scenarios, but at the moment, the Blue Jays' magic number is 3 and the Mets have a magic number of 4. This month of Baseball has so much meaning to it and in the end there will be 10 teams who will be chasing the dream to hold a World Title in their hands. See what went down yesterday and catch a tribute to Jose Fernandez.

9/27/16: Syndergaard, Bruce lead Mets to 12-1 win

9/27/16: Donaldson, Sanchez lead Blue Jays past O's

MLB Jose Fernandez Tribute

Things have gotten a little strange lately on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and their just getting started after airing two episodes of the new season. I couldn't believe what I was watching last night: Daisy Johnson has completely gone rouge and has teamed up with Robbie Reyes aka The Ghost Rider to correct some wrongs that were previously committed. The new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Jeffery Mace not what he seems to be, he was appointed to try and restore the trust of the public following several of the Avengers being outlawed due to the Sokovia Accords, that and he's Inhuman. Also, Mack and Fitz have looked liked they have these ghosts, and believe it or not they were seeing ghosts who were trying to blow up a secret facility, and finally Agent May has gone mad, but not in a "I'm gonna kill you" kind of mad, she has completely lost after being infected by a ghost. On a bad note, their won't be another new episode until October 11th because the Vice Presidential Debate between Mike Pence and Tim Kaine will be broadcast Next Tuesday on ABC and other networks and cable channels.
What could be Mack be looking for?
Fitz seems a little shaken
Coulson meeting with Director Mace

MTV has been getting Millennials to register to vote and decide who will be the next President of the United States. Yesterday was National Voter Registration Day and I'll always remeber last year when I voted and just in time for Election Day this November 8. To get Millennials in on action, MTV and Elect This brought back TRL but with less music and more on political issues that people are facing everyday. The special had been called "Total Registration Live" and people gathered outside the famous TRL Studio in Time Square as they were excited and ready to register. During the show, we learned a lot of things from Celebrities and Activists who were doing their part in the Election by explaining that matters that mean the most to them, there was one young woman named Amanda Nguyen who was fighting to get a Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights passed and put into law across the country. You can really learn a lot when your preparing to vote and you can make a difference when you go to polls when the time comes, so here's a few highlights from Total Registration Live that seemed important to me.

TRL: Amanda Nguyen Discusses Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights | MTV
Kendall Jenner and Ana Marie Cox at TRL

Tatiana Maslany
Born: September 22, 1985
Stars in BBC America series Orphan Black
Won a Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Off to the Dentist for Me Again
