WebChoice Wednesday, 9/21/2016

WebChoice Wednesday

The Goodness of Fall TV has Begun, and the Internet has chosen the Best Fall News possible.

I was meant to discuss the Season Premiere of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD yesterday during Trending Topic Tuesday, but then everything changed. I was at a Dentist Appointment on Monday which pushed MaxSports back to Tuesday once again, I was hoping to find some good twitter trends from fans that were getting ready for the Season 4 Premiere on ABC. So instead, we'll take a recap of last night's premiere: A new character has made his way into the Marvel Television picture in the form of the Ghost Rider, and there will be Vengeance in the Street for those who do bad. Daisy is now on the wanted list and finds herself on the run from SHIELD who just so happen to have a new Director replacing Phil Coulson. The Sokovia Accords are still in effect and promise to have a huge impact on the show's new season, only one can wonder how will things play out, but with Agents of SHIELD at a new time of 10PM on ABC, it seems like the perfect time and place to be at. Relieve the amazing fight between Quake and the Ghost Rider and see what is to come for next week's episode.

Ghost Rider vs. Daisy - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 4x02 Promo "Meet the New Boss" (HD)
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Poster

In about three weeks and a half, WWE 2K17 will be released in stores across the country and soon worldwide. In the past couple of days, WWE games has revealed new details regarding the new creation suite on 2K17 and a new look of the My Career game mode, it looks amazing when you've got a Playstation Four or a X-Box One, which I do not have either. This new installment of the 2K Series allows you to be more creative the ever before with more options on how to customize your superstars, entrances, championships, arenas and a whole lot more. As for My Career mode, you can take your custom superstar and put him through a journey throughout the WWE Universe and live the career you wish to have.  Also, players will come face to face with Brock Lesnar and his advocate, Paul Heyman, and when it comes to them, you're either a Paul Heyman guy or you take a trip to Suplex City. I can't vote for either one of those options, so all I can say is, stay away from The Beast, and go out and work for your dreams as you live life as WWE Superstar. Let's see an exclusive look at these new features.

WWE 2K17 Creation Suite

WWE 2K17 MyCareer Trailer
20 Days till WWE Game Time

With less than two weeks to go in the MLB Season, it's all about the magic numbers, when they hit zero, you have made it to the postseason. Everything has become dicy these past couple days so far we have one team headed for October and that is the Chicago Cubs who have now won ninety-six games clinched the National League Central Division. The Texas Rangers and Washington Nationals are next to follow and after coming off disappointing seasons last year, we could see them face off against each other in the World Series this year. Defending World Champions Kansas City Royals have struggle to get back to the postseason while their foes the New York Mets are fighting with every breath in their bodies and are now in a three-way tie for first place in the NL Wild Card. The San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals just had a four game series together giving the Mets the perfect opportunity to take advantage, in the American League Wild Card, the Blue Jays seem to have things going their way, keeping those behind them in standings at bay. Check out the standings and see what I mean.
American League Standings
National League Standings

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo
Born: February 25, 1981
Starred in Cake and From Dusk till Dawn
Set to star in The Magnificent Seven

That's your Celebrity of Day, The Fall is Near
