Trending Topic Tuesday, 9/6/2016


Time to put Summer Vacation behind us and get ready for the biggest season of the year.

Last night I made a tweet moments after WWE Raw went off the air, it conducts the milestone I said I promise to reach since the first time I used twitter. Five years have past and from 2011 to now, I have finally gotten closer to ten thousand tweets, who knows I could make it tonight during WWE SmackDown Live later on in the week when the new NFL Season starts. Either way, we'll all be there as history will be written in the books. Twitter has always been the one place where I can socialize with other people who start a conversation with media and give their reaction to something major going on. I look forward tweeting all the best things in fall as 2016 seems to be going by so fast like any other year, and I hope to keep the conversation going for as long as I can. Here is the tweet I made last night, there are no replies to this, it's just one tweet that signifies my goal at making it to the Ten-K mark on twitter.

Seventeen has always been my Lucky Number and now it's my number to 10K Tweets. C U 2morrow!!!!

Guess what day it is. The First Day of School and whether your in preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, or college, you've got to be ready. I've been out of school for two years now and I am still planning to do with the rest of my life. Students in school probably haven't figure out what they want to do with their own lives, but they have got a long way to go until they get there, trust me I know. You can always remember the first time you went to school, met new people and learn how the world works, it seems like an amazing time to be alive. The best years of my life were in high school because it where you get to more older and more teenage things, I made a few mistakes when I first started and I wish I could have done more if I wanted to leave a mark on society. The following tweets detail how kids are getting ready for their first day, and I wish them all good luck, they all have what it takes to leave their own marks on society.

Shelley Carroll@shelleycarroll
That one brief and shining moment when every one of the kids has clean shoes that fit. #firstdayofschool
meb keflezighi@runmeb
Thanks to all of the teachers and administrators for helping shape our youth's future. #FirstDayOfSchool
Hope ur #firstdayofschool isn't 2 rough! Stop by ur @GuelphLibrary location & get ready with books 4 fun & studying!
Tee Marie Hanible@TheRealTeeMarie
Proud of my mini me's! First week of college complete for my oldest,  #FirstDayOfSchool for my 7th grader #MyJoy

Jayson Sy Tamco@Jaysonsytamco
Good morning

The only fun day of school #firstdayofschool

After waiting very patiently with months and months of anticipation, NFL Football is back. Earlier this year, we celebrated Super Bowl 50 and no one deserved to win an event with that much excitement than the Denver Broncos. Now they have become the defending Super Bowl Champions ready to defend their title starting this Thursday in a rematch with the Carolina Panthers, but that's not all. We'll also see teams bring in new additions to their respective franchises, the Minnesota Vikings will make their regular season debut at the brand new U.S. Bank Stadium in Downtown East of Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Rams make their big time return to the City Angels, Los Angeles, California. This season's Super Bowl LI will take place in Houston, Texas and only two teams can make it there, we will find out who once the season kicks off Thursday. So I ask every single NFL Fan around the world: Are you Ready for Some Football?!

CAN'T. WAIT. #Kickoff2016

Follow New Account@_Coming_Soon__
@NFL Cowboys winning the SuperBowl this year.

Jose Ponce@Its_Ponce
@NFL pitt will go 12-4.

@NFL I love football! But I love my country FAR MORE! Don't think for one second I can't turn off my tv. Put a leash on that punk Colin

@NFL great team sport for a great football

Greta Van Susteren
Born: June 11, 1954
Hosted On the Record on Fox News Channel
Announced departure from news network today

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Never on the First Day
