WebChoice Wednesday, 6/1/2016

WebChoice Wednesday

Happy First Day of June, from KlicK-Net@iAmKwame.com and WebChoice Wednesday.

As the summer heat rolls on, WWE has begun campaigning for its latest installment of the 2K video game series, "WWE 2K17". It will once again be available on Playstation Four, X-Box One, Playstation Three and X-Box 360; while we'll expect some new features into this year's edition and some old ones from the past, the best part about it the pre-order bonus. If fans were to pre order the game now, they would get former superstar Goldberg as a playable character, WWE has been teasing some big surprise over the week, something about a HATCH. I wasn't expecting anything like, but with Memorial Day weekend finally over, KlicK-Net will be covering the new game from now until it is released in stores in October. Here is a promo video that aired on Monday Night Raw which features Goldberg in all of his glory.

WWE 2K17 Goldberg Pre-order Trailer
WWE 2K17 logo
WWE 2K17 - Who's Next?

Yesterday, I went out to see X-Men: Apocalypse and it was phenomenal, every mutant had their own special ability from mind reading to teleportation to laser eyes. After Days of Future Past, the entire complex of the X-Men Film series was changed so the events of the first three films don't matter with this new installment now in theaters. While I am not an official or licensed critic, I found the film outstanding compared to Captain America: Civil War, you wonder where the X-Men go from here, with Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine for the last time next year, it's hard to guess on what comes next. i wish I had something from the movie that I could share with the audience, but luckily I found a behind the scenes look at X-Men: Apocalypse, you will how it took to make things possible and how much fun the cast and crew had when making the film.

X-Men Apocalypse - B-ROLL FOOTAGE
The Good Mutants
The Bad mutants

Tomorrow is a big night for basketball, when the NBA crown maybe a new champion. The Finals are all set for another Best of Seven series between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors, this second round is gonna be more explosive than the last. Everyone was really pulling for the Oklahoma City Thunder to de-throne the defending champions, but not even a team that like could handle the pressure when all the odds were in their favor. Now two teams remains and their goals are simple but very different from each other: the Warriors want to repeat their championship run, and the Cavaliers want to bring home a championship to the city of Cleveland for the first time in decades. It will be exciting with all the players from both players well rested and ready to go, see for yourself.

Cleveland Cavaliers Eastern Conference Champions

Golden State Warriors Western Conference Champions

Olivia Munn
Born: July 3, 1980
Was a correspondent on The Daily Show
Also starring in X-Men: Apocalypse

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Good Luck Out There
