Trending Topic Tuesday, 6/7/2016


Welcome to what is going to a very Super Tuesday with Trending Topics keeping up Updated.

The world was shaken to its core when important black figures like Muhammad Ali and Prince passed away, they both left a mark that will never be forgotten. Early this morning, the state of Minnesota declared this day "Prince Day". It turns out Prince was born on June 7th, 1958 and would have turn 58-Years-Old today if not for his pervious demises last month, still we will remember Prince for his beautiful fashion and music. When I first heard the song "Purple Rain", I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I ever heard, it felt like a church or gospel song, but it came from the bottom of a man's heart. So as we continue to cherish the memory of Prince, Minnesota has started what could be a long and running holiday. People on twitter have taken notice of this, and I found a few tweets that were heart-warming.

Au Naturelle Divas@AuNaturelleDiva
#PrinceDay Celebrating the Life and Legacy Prince Rogers Nelson #theafterworld

Sauro @kk5auro
It's official, June 7th is #PrinceDay here in Minnesota! We loved him so much & he loved us right back, never left.

Veteran Freshman@yusufyuie

Long Lj John@LongJohn06
Today we celebrate the birth of Prince Rodgers Nelson! #HappyBirthdayPrince #PrinceDay

La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
Remembering Prince on this special day! May you rest with the best!
#HappyBirthdayPrince #PrinceDay

Who's ready for the final rounds of primaries of the 2016 Presidential Election? Before New Jersey, California, New Mexico, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota would vote today, it was made officiall last night that Hillary Clinton was the Presumptive Nominee of the Democratic Party, she got to 2,383 delegates thanks to previous primaries this past weekend. However, Bernie Sanders is not going not without and still believes that there is so much of a slight chance that he can win this whole thing, but seems totally impossible at this point. The way I see it, all Hillary has to do is win New Jersey tonight and then seal the deal, it probably won matter if Sanders wins California, it has become crystal clear now that we will see Trump vs Clinton from now until Election Day in November. Let's see what NJ voters are saying as the day goes on:

#XIA #RockTheWorld ‏@the_amphibian
Once in lifetime chance today to vote for the 1st woman nominee of a major party! Polls open till 8pm #NJPrimary

Deb Fenchel @debfenchel
Feel the Bern. #iVoted #NJPrimary

Sam Horowitz@swimminglife20

BirkieGal @BirkieGal
#NJPrimary Today is the day that you can stop rigged elections. Vote for .@BernieSanders Show the DNC that you cannot be railroaded.

Exciting #NJPrimary presidential options today! Could help elect: 1st woman, 1st Jew, or 1st Cheeto-hued Voldemort.
Amber Heard
Born: April 22, 1986
Starred in Magic Mike XXL and The Danish Girl
Set to star in Justice League and Aquaman

That's your Celebrity of the Day, I'm off see TMNT: Out of the Shadows
