WebChoice Wednesday, 5/4/2016


How's everybody doing today? We've a got a lot to catch up on WebChoice Wednesday!

This is Ground-Breaking News: During the 2016 Presidential Primaries last night, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton inch closer and closer to winning the nominations and heading to July for the conventions. Despite Bernie Sanders winning the Indiana primary, Ms. Clinton still got a couple of delegates which she's about a hundred away from reaching 2,383. Meanwhile for the GOP, Trump looks like the clear and presumptive choose to represent republicans in November after he won Indiana, causing Texas Senator Ted Cruz to suspends his campaign who tried to push it to a contested convention. It's possible that the nominations could be decide this month as the June 7th primaries would not matter at all, check out the Indiana results and you be the judge of them.
Clinton, 181 Delegates away from Democratic Nomination
Trump, 207 Delegates away from GOP Nomination

Ted Cruz Suspends Presidential Campaign [FULL SPEECH]

From Politics to Holidays, Memorial Day weekend will be oh so promising. There will be movies like Alice Through the Looking Glass and X-Men: Apocalypse in theaters May 27th, plus John Cena will return to Monday Night Raw on May 30th, but more importantly for horror fans, MTV's Scream is back and more twisted than ever. Emma is looking to return to her normal life, but there's another killer on the loose who looks to bring the town of Lakewood to its knees. At the end of the last episode, it was revealed that Audrey may have had a connections to the past murders, we'll find out what goes during the summer as the new season premieres May 30th on MTV. For now, here is the new trailer I talked about just yesterday.
On May 30th, Don't Trust Anyone

Scream: The TV Series | Official Season 2 Trailer (2016) | MTV

KlicK-Net has a thing for for covering superhero movies like Marvel's Captain America: Civil War and we are just two days away from the U.S. Premiere on Friday. Fans have been preparing for the big fight for a long time, and during last night's Agents of SHIELD, we got another sneak peek on what splits the Avengers in two factions. While I was live tweeting during SHIELD, the Sokovia Accords were released from the twitter page of WHIH Newsfront, a fictional news station from the MCU. I choose to vote against the Accords since I'm on #TeamCap and I will be with #TeamCap all the through the movie. Here's a viral video that highlight an incident involving the Avengers and one explain the whole the entire Civil War story.

Captain America: Civil War - Official "Attack in Lagos" Viral Video [HD]

Captain America: Civil War - Official "Story" Featurette #12 [HD]

of the DAY!
Mads Mikkelsen
Born: November 22, 1965
Starred in Casino Royal and Clash of the Titans
Set to star in Doctor Strange and Rouge One: A Star Wars Story

That's your Celebrity of the Day, #MayThe4thBeWithYou!
