WebChoice Wednesday, 4/27/2016


Guess What? It's the day of the week were I show pics and vids. It's WebChoice Wednesday.

We are less than ten days away from Marvel's Captain America: Civil War and the start of Phase Three in the Cinematic Universe. The teams have been set, new conflicts threaten the safety of the world, and in the end, not many will survive. Only Captain Steve Rogers has what it takes to put it all back together or risk losing his close friend Tony Stark who deems him dangerous and must be brought to justice. Critics have made their voices over this highly anticipated new film, and they all loved more than Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, a new report came in that the DC/Warner Bros. film was the reason why Marvel started Civil War to begin with. Here are some hand picked TV spots highlight heroes both new and old who will hit the big screen on May 6th. (Spoiler Alert: Spiders and Ants are included!)

Captain America: Civil War - Official "Spider-Man" TV Spot #30

Captain America: Civil War - Official TV Spot #31

Captain America: Civil War - Official "Spider-Man" TV Spot #32

Last week, Marvel Studios decide to remove its Inhumans film from its current release date for the time being. After moving from November 2, 2018 to July 12, 2019, the Studio can decide right now where does this film fits in Phase Three due to having to add Spider-Man: Homecoming and Ant-Man & the Wasp to the mix. Fans will have gotten to watch Inhumans in action on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but can wait to see more in theaters. Until then, we can look forward to seeing out favorite mutants this Memorial Day Weekend in X-Men: Apocalypse, in fact, the third and final trailer was released last Monday. The best part about it is that there's a surprising twists in each scene which makes you wonder, how will it all played out.

X-Men: Apocalypse | Final Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

The Northeast side of the United States was the center of attention in politics last night and this election could not get any tighter. Connecticut, Delware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island held primaries in each of their respective states and the Presidential Candidates were there last night to pick up delegates in the race for the White House. No surprise that Trump won all five states in clean sweep against Ted Cruz and John Kasich, but Hillary Clinton almost did the same thing but came up 1 state shy of Bernie Sanders who won Rhode Island. Now, Hillary is at least 200 delegates away from clinching the Democratic Nomination and Trump has the GOP right where he wants it, but the Primaries aren't don't until June, so anything can still happen.
Winners of yet another Super Tuesday
Cruz and Kasich have two more months to stop Trump
Clinton has a comfortable lead over Sanders

of the DAY!
Alfie Allen
Born: September 12, 1986
Best known for starring in Game of Thrones
Won a Screen Actors Guild Award in 2014

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Believe That!
