WebChoice Wednesday, 4/20/2016


I'M BACK and I'm roaring to go for WebChoice Wednesday. Who's Ready for a Shocker?

Yesterday, KlicK-Net was taking the day-off so that I could vote in my first primary. It wasn't that hard, my mother took me to the polling station, we were set up in our election district and then casted out our ballots which indicate who we voted. The rest of family went with Bernie Sanders, I was the only one who voted for Hilary Clinton because she seemed like the obvious choice to win New York last night. As much as nobody likes him, Donald Trump also won New York in a big landslide distancing himself from Ted Cruz and John Kasich with 845 delegates, while Clinton has 1,930. Next week, fives states are on the line in another Super Tuesday next week, but until then, let's see how well the front-runners of the GOP and Democrats did.

Results of the Republican New York Primary
Results of the Democratic New York Primary
Trump and Clinton inching closer to winning the nominations.

If anyone has been paying attention, but Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has gotten a little intense these past few weeks with only four episodes left until the season finale next month. It has been rumored for a long time that the series will tie into the latest Marvel film "Captain America: Civil War" since it takes place in the MCU. Last night, we were treated with much anticipated debut of the Secret Warriors as S.H.I.E.L.D brought in their own team of Inhumans led by Agent Daisy Johnson. However, what we did not realize is that the team would be utterly destroyed at the hands of one of their hands, twist after twist, it became a mystery at the end who would betray S.H.I.E.L.D. There's only a few clips from last night I can show, but these could tell the whole story.

Secret Warriors Assemble – Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Season 3, Ep. 17

Secret Warriors Attack – Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Season 3, Ep. 17

The Singularity – Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Season 3, Ep. 18 Promo

of the DAY!
Ethan Hawke
Born: November 6, 1970
Starred in Boyhood and The Purge
Set to star in The Magnificent Seven

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Better Believe It!
