WebChoice Wednesday, 3/9/2016


I'm feeling good about, 'cause it's WebChoice Wednesday!

Yesterday, after I finished working the previous blog, I went out to Disney's Zootopia and it was good from beginning to end. So after it was over, it gave a couple of ideas on to make improvements KlicK-Net and that I shouldn't be afraid to chase my dreams. While Rhodey, NY is ending this week, I have plans for the future which I will discuss later in the month of March. Right now let's talk about what's going on in the World of Television, I've been watch CBS' Supergirl since it debut back in October, the series is doing really and soon it will a crossover episode with CW's The Flash. Here are two clips in which one highlights the ending of the last episode of Supergirl and the other gives a sneak preview of the next episode this Monday.

Supergirl - We're Stronger Together

Supergirl - Falling (Preview)

It was yet another fantastic night for Donald Trump as he continues to dominate the 2016 Presidential Primaries. Late last night, Trump won Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii, while Ted Cruz was left with Idaho (not to be confused with Ohio). Bernie Sanders also won Michigan, trying to keep up with Hillary Clinton who snag Mississippi. This just proves that both the Republican and Democratic Parties are heating when searching for the nominees for the presidential election. One person who won't be making it to the white house is former candidate Ben Carson who dropped out of the race just last week, some shows have taken notice of this like The Daily Show and The Late Show, take a look:

The Daily Show - 3/7/16 in :60 Seconds

Hungry For Power Games: Carson Eversleep

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is only just weeks away and yet everyone is hype to see Captain America: Civil War. Both movies have one thing common: Heroes Battling Each Other, but in the end heroes will unite to fight a common enemy. There have been some big superhero movie news as of late, like Zendaya being cast in the new Spider-Man film and J.K. Simmons would play Commissioner Gordon in Justice League, Part One. Marvel also released posters showcases Team Cap and Team Iron Man, each one says "Divided We Fall" and that's the whole point of Civil War because the Avengers will be divided and when all is set and done, not many will survived. Here are just posters featuring Captain America and Iron Man.
Team Cap lead by Steve Rogers
Team Iron Man lead by Tony Stark

of the DAY!
Theo James
Born: December 16, 1984
Stars in The Divergent Film Series
Won three Teen Choice Awards

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Believe It or Not
