No Trending Topic Tuesday Today


Sorry about this, but there will be no Trending Topic Tuesday for today. There was a huge error that really ruin my timetable and I need to address it right away. While I was writing today's post on my computer, something crazy happen. I was almost finished and I some deleted almost all of my work. I was freaking out and I didn't happen I time to start all over because I always have a deadline at around noon. So, everything that I had wrote, I'll try and re-write it all next week and show what I think are worth Trending. Until then, I will see you all tomorrow for WebChoice Wednesday where I'll talk more about the Super Bowl, the Halftime Show, and some of the most hilarious commercials and ads from last Sunday. However, I do leave you with one recurring bit on my blog, the..........

of the DAY!
Samantha Bee
Born: October 25, 1969
Best known for being a correspondent on The Daily Show
Debut new show Full Frontal on TBS

That's your Celebrity of the Day, Do Show Forgiveness
