WebChoice Wednesday, June 24, 2015


#iAmKwame.com Studios and KlicK-Net is starting a new #WCW: WebChoice Wednesday. There will be viral videos and hand-picked pictures that will have people's eyes popping out their heads. You never know what's going to appear when it's #WCW time. We things start off with a special annoucement from Marvel Studios.
Everyone's Friendly-Neighborhood, You Know Who!

Since filming of Captain America: Civil War began last year, the BIG question was: Who would play Spider-Man? The answer was maded clear yesterday with official word from Marvel.com. The new Spidey will be played Tom Holland who has great perfomrances in 'The Impossible', 'Wolf Hall' and 'In the Heart of the Sea'. Jon Watts will direct the Next Spidey film set to come out July 28, 2017.
Tom Holland Officially Cast As Spider-Man

In other Marvel News, Kevin Feige revealed a big spoiler on Ant-Man which is coming out in less than four weeks. A fan-favorite hero and founding member of The Avengers will finally appear on the Big Screen. That hero will be Janet van Dyne a.k.a Wasp; the rumors on how this character will appear have been buzzing for the past two days.
Wasp's Role In 'Ant-Man' Revealed

The 2014-15 NBA Season is finally over, but the Summer of Hoops had begun. Tomorrow is the 2015 NBA Draft and there are teams in the league that are looking to rebuild and next Wednesday is the start of Free Agency which means things will be shaking up. Relive the NBA Finals with an All-Access Pass right here, right now:
All-Access: NBA Finals
The Golden State Warriors celebrate in Oakland

of the DAY!
Amanda Seyfried
Born: December 3, 1985
Starred in Mean Girls, Mamma Mia and Epic
Set to star in Ted 2

That's the Celebrity of the Day, have a great #WCW!
