#iAmKwame.com's BIG Week Ahead

Happy Memorial Day!
from #iAmKwame.com Studios

I decided last night that I'm going to the day-off! WHY?! Because it's Memorial Day, Silly, and I might have to work around the house for my family. But fear not, we have got a great week for you starting tomorrow. There'll be new videos, new photo shots and a new #fakeTV series. For more info on what's to come, check out the full schedule below:

  • CHOICESPORTS Monday!: Tuesday Edition
  • All-Star VIRAL Wednesday
  • #fakeTV Thursday Edition
and on Friday
  • #fakeTV FRiDAY presents a New #fake Original Series
That's what you need to know for this week. 
Have a Fantastic Memorial Day from from all of us to you.

Thank You!
