Classwork Monday, August 18, 2014

The Summer is coming to a close,but I still have more classwork to share with my viewers. Today is more a history class where viewers will learn a brief history of Studios. As you probably know, the blog was created in my High School Web Design class. We needed to create a URL address and a text banner. So I came up with this below:

I created the original text banner using Adobe Fireworks. First off, I had to make it rectangular, then type the proposed URL address/title as "". However the address/title is now "". I used the colors green, blue and white for the text and for the background, I gave it a gradient fill with some texture. Viewers can see the orange and purple pattern going into the background making it more colorful. 

There a lot more history lessons to before the summer ends, So Stay Tuned for more.    
