Classwork Monday, August 11, 2014

There few classwork left I have left to shared for the summer. Here's one of my favorites.

Summer would not be summer without hot girls! This is a screenshot of a Photoshop picture made by refining edges of different images and merging them all together. I had to use a tool in photoshop called a Polygonal Lasso tool which viewers can use to outline a chosen part of image and then cut it out. Then, the Refine Edge command will position the selected image in front of a new background. Finally, I had to increase the radius value of the hair by using the edge detection tool. Adjusting the edges will allow viewers to just only the hair not those white corners that were cut out with the image. 

Tomorrow, I may be going to the movies again to the last BIG movie of the summer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles starring Megan Fox and Whoopi Goldberg.     
