Classwork Monday, July 28, 2014

The classwork shown was a web design made by three pictures and some cutouts from other images. It very hard to explain, my teacher had three pictures in a file for the class and me to work on. We had to merge them all together to become one huge picture of a famous building.

If you look to the bottom left, you can see that the grass is imperfect. I had to use many blending tools in Photoshop and a clone stamp tool to clone grass into the background. Next, look to the right end and you'll see the top part of the building is in the sky and cloud. 

Right in front of the building is picture cutoff Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman). The picture was taken when Ms. Gadot attended the Red Carpet Premiere of Fast & Furious 6. Above the building is another cutoff of a JetBlue aircraft soaring through the air.  

Thanks to Anyone who reads this and GOOD Day!
