Trending Now This Tuesday

It's Trending Now This Tuesday.............and I've got biggest Trends in Morning on Twitter, starting with the most Breaking Sports News. LeBron James ops out of his contract with the Miami Heat. Here was my Reaction and many others: 

THIS IS BREAKING NEWS: opts out of contract with . Start spreading the word

Wish Melo and Lebron could play together in NY. Good move, no cap space, bad timing. I'll settle for Melo in CHI

Rose,Lebron,Melo to the Bulls... Flashback of Pippen,Jordan, Rodman

My bold prediction is: Lebron, Melo, and Kevin Love all team up and go to Golden State

this will be the nba's new big three next year in Los Angeles this might happen

If anyone has any thoughts on LeBron opting out, his future and the Miami Heat's future, I'll be happy to hear about it. Later, I'll post about how I spend this glorious day and check what else is blowing up on the web tomorrow because it's Viral Wednesday.
